Saturday, December 21, 2013

mks_vir 2007 9.0 Beta / 8.0.0. Build 4004 Torrent Download

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Version: 9.0 Beta / 8.0.0. Build 4004
Category: Antivirus
Developer: MKS Sp. z o.o.
Size: 52 Mb

mks_vir first created in 1987 in response to the plague virus multiplication. It is a modern antivirus program, based on the latest technologies.The package is designed to work with all relevant operating system Windows package relatives consists of several modules mks_vir main package available today. Your operating costs for computer from malicious interference programs.Antivirus Monitor, is deeply rooted in the heart of the Windows system, controls bhfí time or all file operations. For this reason it is able to stop the virus activation during performing operations on your hard disk, floppy disk, CD / DVD or scáileá n other carriers.The, when activated, check the computer's memory, the virus is located. In this case, the removed.Disk virus file scanning and traditional part of the antivirus software. During a scan can run fast enough physical and network drives. It detects viruses, Trojan horses, and Internet worms. Moreover, near the scanner works in a standard Windows environment, there are 32-bit DOS scanner (fully compatible with the Windows version) also mks_vir package. The scanner allows viruses from files deleted using Windows system and also to delete the virus in boot sector, partition table of the hard disk . Under special circumstances, it is possible to disinfect the computer after starting it from the installation CD or boot disk package.mks_update mks_vir program makes it possible to reduce the cost of Idirlína links thanks to the mechanism of the repository. In small networks but one workstation to connect to the Internet to download the update items. Other stations update the software through a local area network station.not: Use this software in trial mode you will need to register .

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mks_vir 2007 torrent

mks_vir 2007

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